Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Vacay - Day 27: Fireworks

Starting IngredientsDrip Drip
Who doesn't like fireworks? My kids absolutely love them. I'm sure that their time in the Philippines only intensified it with their dad lighting them off any chance he could get. This morning when I told the kids we would making fireworks for our fun activity they were pretty pumped. Maybe I shouldn't have made it sound so fantastic because they looked super perplexed when I brought out the water. They've seen dad light off fireworks, they've stood only a few feet away from them and watched them shoot up into the sky so they knew fireworks don't start with water. They must have thought I was taking crazy pills but that's ok, I had a plan. We started with our water, 2tbsp of oil and a couple drops red, blue and yellow colouring in the oil. We mixed the colours with the oil so the colour drops were tiny blobs in the oil and we carefully poured the oil mixture onto the surface of the water. Then, we just watched:
Fireworks StartingGrand Finale

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