Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer Vacay - Day 64: New Beginnings

Today was a pretty big day for us. We all went up to Calgary to go check out the kids new school! It was their annual pancake breakfast and so we thought we'd go up for some free food and get a tour of the campus. Since classes started at the Calgary Arts Academy a week ago we were able to see what all the classrooms look like and who their classmates would be. The kids biggest observation was that all the classrooms looked like art rooms with a lot of colours and creations on the walls and hanging from the ceiling. There were piano's in the hallways for the kids to play on their recess breaks and art easels in the hall with paper and paint. There was a dance room for dance class, a nice music room, colourful library and your standard gym. I'm interested to see what the kids think of it once they start and how exactly the integrate the arts into learning. You can find info on the school here. After checking out the school we made our way to see the new house we'll be renting. The kids ran wild through the yard and excitedly picked out the rooms they would be moving in to. Madison actually started crying when we told her we weren't sleeping there tonight and that we would be going back to our house in Lethbridge. I guess they liked it (mostly the yard).

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