That is the end result of walking straight into the corner edge of a brick pillar. By far the least fun thing that could happen to a 5 year old girl. We were just walking along, she was holding Ryan's hand and SMACK.... blood everywhere. Ryan's hand immediately went up to her head to put pressure on the wound and it was so fast I didn't even really know it was bleeding until he picked her up in his arms and turned her toward me and blood was all I saw. By the amount of blood covering her face I thought she broke her nose but I was wrong. It was just pouring out of her forehead. We quickly took her back to the van and tried to wipe off all the blood with a semi-used napkin. Blood was all over her face and making parts of her hair red. We took her home, washed her face and I took her into the ER to see what the damage really was. The nurse came over, took one look and said it was definitely stitch-able and took us right back. First the nurse came and taped up some freezing so that the needle injection of freezing wouldn't be as painful for her. They mentioned that it takes about 30 minutes for that freezing to reach it's full potential in pain killing so in those 30 minutes the doctor came in, assessed the damage and gave me my options for stitching versus glue. For cosmetic reasons (the least chance of scaring) we went with undissolvable stitches. They went and wrapped her up like a mummy so she couldn't swat at the doctor or kick her, covered her face with a sheet with a tiny hole so her hair wouldn't get into the way and off they went. I've never had stitches or seen anyone get them before so this was a whole new experience for me. Sydney didn't move, didn't make a sound. Just layed there perfectly still with her brave face on under that little green sheet. She was amazing. So about 40 minutes after walking into the ER we walked out with 4 stitches and 6 princess stickers and I was one proud mommy! Proud of Sydney for being so amazingly strong and brave and proud of myself for not puking or fainting at all that blood!
July 2016 week1&2
7 years ago
seeing this picture makes me squirm