Saturday, November 27, 2010

While Dads Away, the Kids Will Play

There is this most amazing play area for kids here in Bacolod. It takes up the whole third floor of one of the department stores with it's slides, cushy carpet, roped bridge to a ball pit, drivable mini cars, toy store and small food venders. It is seriously a child's dream, or my children's dream at least. Brayden and Sydney love running around collecting balls and playing in the ball pit. The bridge that takes you to the ball pit is high and long! It leads you to a narrow path high as the ceiling that takes you to the balls which is on the other side of the floor.
While Madison has never ventured over the rope bridge she seems happy enough running up and down the slides, playing the balls that have escaped the ball pit and climbing up and down the stairs. There are at least 4 different slides all different sizes and heights. One of the nice things about it is the foam that have put under the carpet. It's at least 3 inches thick so when the kids are running and tumble it's such a soft landing and they bounce right back up and keep on going. Even though the soft carpet is awesome the absolute best part about the whole thing is that it costs $0.50 for the entire day! ROCKIN'
Bridge to Ball PitHalf of the Slides
This weekend Ryan and Lance are gone for an overnight training summit/work retreat and have left us girls home with 1 car and the kids. BOO. Bobbi and I decided that it would be the perfect time to let the kids run off their energy at Lopues East and we invited a new Canadian friend with us who had never been before. The kids had a blast. We were only there for 2 hours when Maddy just sat down in the middle of the floor and started to zone out into an exhausted stare. Mission complete. My kids are going to sleep well tonight (knock on wood).
SlideThe Kids


  1. Your kids are the sweatiest kids I know. At least you know they're having fun that way, eh?!

  2. That looks like such a fun place...although I am a bit germaphobic about places like that.
