Monday, November 1, 2010

Who Needs Taber Corn Anyway?

So I know I posted about our amazing garden recently but I just had to share a little something extra. Not only are all our pumpkins and cucumbers thriving, the coriander and chives have germinated, but most noteworthy, we were able to pick a perfectly ripened cob of corn. Oh... VERY exciting news for us over here, somewhat like Christmas. The kids thought it was so cool that we could pick actual, tangible corn from our garden.
So we picked the cob that was ripe, we took pictures of it and we fondled it. Seriously the neatest thing I've ever picked out of the garden and I felt like we were in the big leagues.
Now you might be asking 'how did it taste?' Well, to be completely honest I threw it in the garbage and we never even tried it. You see there was 1 cob and 6 of us (we have this amazing guest right now, Paul, from Utah) and what were we going to do? Cook this single cob, which was true to Filipino size, politely referring to tiny, and pass it around the table and have each person take one bite?
So in summary:
We have successfully grown corn. Tasteful corn? Still a mystery, but corn none the less!
P.S. To avoid questions about Brayden's hairline.... yes, he did cut it. No, it doesn't look good. That's right, I just don't care so he'll have to live with it for now.


  1. HAHAHAHA looooving the hair cut!
    Congrats on your cob of corn - job well done!! I love reading that you are growing coriander, very cool.

  2. Maybe he'll grow up being a hair stylist? I have lost count how many times your kid's hair has been cut... and I agree with the punishment of leaving his hair... it looks like he's got a part? Kinda?

    AND I can't believe you didn't eat the corn!!! What are you going to use the coriander in? Hmm, fancy chef Meg?

  3. I can't believe you didn't at least taste it...such self control. Seriously another hair cut???? Maybe he is hot?
