Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Vacay - Day 35: Squishies

Today was a colder day (18*C) and so the kids didn't really spend too much time running around outside like they normally do and it was the perfect excuse to put them to work in the house. We did that good, much needed cleaning that I've been neglecting because I was waiting for a rainy/windy day. The kids weren't too thrilled about it and to be honest, because we did it on a day they were spending inside it didn't stay clean for a while but at least that layer of grime building up was scrubbed away. Without house dropping in temperature I had no reservations turning on the stove today for some cooking. We made a couple batches of playdough and set some aside for our activity today which I will call "Squishies." We took balloons and shoved them full of our newly made, super fresh playdough. After they were filled I tied off the balloons and let the kids squish and mold them for a few minutes while the glue gun heated up. Once the glue was hot and ready we glued on some eyes and small pom poms for hair if they chose to. Of course they had to use the markers so they drew mouths on theirs and deemed them satisfactory enough for a picture. You guess for yourselves whose is whose but mine is the best. *wink wink*
SuppliesFinished Squishies

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