Friday, June 3, 2011

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

I think that one of the most disgusting things I see ALL the time in the Philippines is men peeing. They pee anywhere, anytime. Side of the buildings, side of the road, into a bush, onto a flower ... whatever. I think I would be more shocked if I went out and didn't see some random guy relieving himself at some point. I guess the bonus of this is that when you're potty training you don't feel any guilt whatsoever when your kid says he has to pee and you let him, no matter where you are.
Just a little bit ago we were on our way into SM Bacolod (one of the local malls) and all the kids were with us. In the front entrance of the mall is a taxi line so we are walking past, taxi, taxi, taxi, little girl with her pants down peeing! Seriously, right in front of the door. Nothing could hide the horror on my face, or Sydney's. Sydney even had to make sure to point it out quite loudly that I'm 99% confident this child's mom could hear Sydney's absolute confusion and my disgust. In the very least you would have thought the mother would take her child (at least 8 years) to the parking lot so she could have hid in between cars, not in the front entrance for everyone to witness.
Ryan and I saw this painting and this is probably not legit to post this as it's someone else's art but this picture at least gives me the impression that Filipino's are at least aware that they pee everywhere at anytime:
Taking a Leak

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh so hard! There is one thing you forgot to mention though... the smell!! There was one spot we walked by everyday when we took Ærowyn to school that we had to plug our noses so we did gag. That is one thing I honestly don't miss. It's an everyday thing I don't have to see everyday anymore. Plus, there is always toilet paper in the public bathrooms here which is also a bonus!
