Monday, July 20, 2009

Cebu, Philippines Temple

Road Side Snap ShotOne of the best things about Cebu City, Philippines is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is building a temple there. Cebu City is one of the most central points in the Philippines and easy to get to by boat, bus and plane. This is such a huge blessing to the all the Church members in the Philippines. Right now for us in Bacolod (and we're pretty central) it is a 24 hour boat ride north or an expensive plane ticket. Also because it is such a long boat ride the Saints have to sacrifice a week of paid work on top of the expenses already required. Not only do they have to think about their travel expenses but also their housing and food while they are staying in Manila. The temple is also far from the airport and boats so you have to consider the fare to get to the temple area itself. To most of these people it is a big sacrifice to save this amount and get their families there to be sealed for all time and eternity. With this new temple opening in Cebu City it will make a huge difference to all those in our area and south of us! Very exciting!

We attended church very close to the temple and were able to take a shot as we quickly drove by. We could also see it from the roof top pool at our hotel. It's already looking so beautiful and lit up at night, I can't wait!!
Cebu City Temple


  1. hello sister meghan! good morning this is edgar its my exam today im not doing anything aside fom reviewing my lessons. i miss you guys already the picture of th new temple looks nice its almost done im excited to go there next year for the temple trip.thank you and see you ya

  2. Wow, the Cebu Temple looks pretty amazing.

  3. will you please email me when is the dedication of the temple? i'm so excited... thanks...

  4. Awesome pictures of the temple! May I post these photographs to the my temples website for visitors to see? They love to see the temple's progress. Thank you!
