Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hobby Time

I love taking pictures. I'm not saying i'm a great photographer, just that I really love looking at the world through a camera lens. To me it makes the world seem more beautiful, people more interesting and moments more precious. Everything is beautiful in it's own way and when looking through a camera lens the challenge is to find that rare beauty.
Ryan and I kind of a have a rule when it comes to the blog; every post should have at least one picture. Maybe it's because both of us are such visual people or we like to show off our super cute kids but we both feel like it makes the blog more appealing. It's pretty easy to add at least one picture since I pretty much follow my kids around with a camera and capture as many of these fleeting moments as I can. I can proudly say that 99% of the pictures on my blog are unedited, us in real life.
I do love playing in photoshop and seeing what I can do with my pictures but the truth be told, I don't have time and I really feel that if someone needs photoshop for all their pictures then they are doing something wrong.
With that being said I'd like to share with you a few of my 'edited' photo's along side the originals. Ryan says they all look fake, which is true but I still like the look and feel to HDR (high dynamic range) photography. So yes they look fake, but do they look cool?
HDR Ruin in the Rice FieldRuin in the Rice Field

Original BoatHDR Boat

SunsetHDR Sunset

CoastlineHDR Coastline

HDR BridgeBridge


  1. these are so Beautiful! you have a real talent here.

  2. That sunset turned out great! My favorite!
