Saturday, June 9, 2012


Ladiesfest is an 8km run held annually in Lethbridge around the river bottom and finishing by going up Whoop-Up Drive to complete the loop. This was my second ever run and I was apart of a sister team with my 3 sister in laws; CB, JS and LM. It was a typical gusty day here in Lethbridge and why I might have expected anything different I don't know. Obviously, I'm slightly naive. I love the start of a race. It reminds me of my swimming days when you'd be crouched at the top of the diving block waiting for the starting cues with your legs ready to push you out over the water and anticipating that cold water as you dove in. The way your heart races as you come up for your first breath and get a glimpse of where you are in comparison to the other competitors. Nothing brings out the animal in me like the start of a race. Then comes the zone. I'm not too competitive when it comes to beating other people but I really find it motivating to race against a clock and to better myself and to finish faster then my expectations. I think that's why I was such a great swimmer. I didn't like the early practices or the long hours spent in the water but I loved pushing myself. I love to sweat and to know I'm pushing for better results. I had such a great run. The weather was calmer down by the river, I was able to find my zone and I was minutes faster then my goal time so yay for me. Also, my rocking sister team placed 4th so they all rocked the run as well as I did even if JS was sick and though she never said it and I thought had a great time, sick sucks and how are you supposed to run your best when you can't breathe properly? So congrats to everyone who ran and even though I thought handing out chocolate at the finish line was the last thing I wanted I loved the rose and my cheering squad that sat there in the blustery weather with their perfect home made signs. I love them and they were the ones I wanted to share my race excitement with and made surpassing my goal even sweeter. *tear*
Sister TeamMy Cheerleaders

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