Friday, April 23, 2010


Well we picked up this stray cat. It followed some friends of ours to our house and the kids played with it all that afternoon. It was so tiny and skinny, poor thing. It wouldn't lap up any milk so I was feeding it with a medicine dropper and we didn't think it would last very long so I didn't really wan to blog about it knowing I'd have to blog about it's death.... Well I guess she's a fighter because she's still around 1 week later lapping up her milk and getting some meat on those bones.
Ryan and I haven't really named it or anything but Brayden and Sydney did that on their own calling her Sally. She's not really a part of the family, if she followed someone else home no one would miss her but the kids sure have been enjoying her. She's mostly an outdoor cat except for the times the kids bring her in and I don't notice. I think her biggest fan is Madison. It's so crazy how excited she gets when the kitten is around! Thankfully for Sally Madison will just follow her around, she's a little to nervous to actually touch the cat.


  1. I won't be telling Ærowyn you got a kitten! First, she'll be mad we didn't get one while we were there, and second, she wants a new one now. I told her if she can come up with $500 (that is what the pet deposit costs) we could get another cat, but one is enough for now! Your kitty is so cute and I'm sure it will be fun for your kids to play with.... as I can see how cute they are with it in the video :)

  2. Madison is HILARIOUS with Sally - her own little baby! Her wiggling cracks me up.
