Sunday, July 18, 2010

Beattie Family Reunion

This weekend was the annual Beattie family reunion. Everyone got their camping gear ready and headed out to Park Lake for a weekend full of good times. I haven't been out to Park Lake for at least 10 years and didn't really have a great lasting impression of the place so as excited as I was to hang out and have fun with family I was a little nervous about spending 3 days out there wondering what it would be that we would be doing. I was genuinely surprised when we arrived with how pretty it was. The day was perfect but the lake was so clean, the trees were green and full and our campsites were perfectly placed. It was so warm when we arrived, the kids were very excited about getting into the water for a swim and out they went building sand castles and floating in the rubber dingy. The kids played in the great park and rode bikes up and down the paved path that lined the lake running off tons of extra energy. In the evening there was some fishing and walks with Grandma.
Fishing SydneyMadison and Grandma
After the kids were all settled and put to bed we got to watch a beautiful sunset while Jim and Jessica reeled in the first catch of the weekend!
Park Lake SunsetPark Lake Fishing

Craft TimeSaturday was another great day. The weather was amazing putting me in a great mood to start the day. There were a lot of fun things going on to keep us busy including a game of kickball in one of the fields at the lake. It was nice to see the kids running around and kicking that ball around. There were some really great plays made by siblings going after one another and kids outing their parents with some impressive throws and catches.
After lunch there was some more swimming before playing with these amazing bubbles that never pop! THEY. ARE. AMAZING. I couldn't believe it, you can run after them, catch them and still they remain bubbles. Madison seemed to love running after them and the best part was that even though she wasn't fast enough she could pop them herself after they safely landed on the gravel. After dinner my kids did some crafts with Grandma making up some of that lost time with her. Sydney made a nice butterfly and Brayden created this colourful angelfish out of coffee filters. My kids really really love getting their hands on marker, paints, scissors or glue. When I told them it was time to get ready for bed it was no surprise that 1. they were both upset and 2. they both wanted to keep their new creations in the tent with them while they were sleeping. I love seeing that they have such pride in the creations!

KickballSuper Bubbles
Craft time required the kids to use water guns to spray their coloured coffee filters to bleed the vibrant shades together. Ryan was able to get his hands on a couple of water guns and seemed to enjoying spraying those of us without guns in our hands. Thankfully his dad was able to get his hands on a gun and even the playing field.
Water GunsEven Fight' title=
Such a great time with the family! Loved it.


  1. WOW looks like a blast! Everyone looks so great in the Family picture, what a nice looking family! Glad your having fun and good weather too!! :D

  2. It was so fun to be with everyone. I am so glad you guys were able to be here. I have the best family ever!!!
