Monday, July 18, 2011

In Good Hands

Ryan and I went up to Calgary Alberta to do a few things and decided to make a weekend of it. We went and saw Wicked, which was really well done and we both enjoyed, I had lunch with a great friend and got to hear how great she is doing and amazing she looks and we got to play with my nephew Parker who has now been in the Alberta Children's Hospital for 6 weeks. I was totally blown away. Hospitals are hospitals and no one wants to be stuck in them BUT if you do need to be in a hospital, this is the one!! It's huge. There are multiple playgrounds outside with a new mini golf, a soccer field and lots of grass to run on. Inside there is a library, playrooms, a movie theatre room, an arts room where they do crafts, they bring in animals for the kids to pet and play with, fish tanks, clinical offices and of course rooms for children up to age 18. Although there is nothing better then being home at least they try to give something positive to these families while dealing with their problems. Parkers room had a small bed where Jessica can sleep when she needs to be there in the evening, all Parkers equipment, a large bathroom, TV and playstation, a place to store your clothes and foods and window. It seemed that Parker thought the hospital as his second home. It was amazing how happy this boy is. He was continually smiling and laughing with Ryan and waving at the nurses. He knew his way around and I only heard him cry once because he had a good fall at dinner. Seriously one of the happiest two year olds I have ever met. Jessica is so on top of everything, asking the doctor and nurses questions, explaining how it all works for us and making sure Parkers treatment is the best for him. She is 100% involved and made sure she know's exactly what's going on and why.
What was heartbreaking was all the little babies lying in their beds without family by their sides because of different situations. It just makes me so grateful for our financial situation so I can stay home with our children, my healthy children, Ryan's family support that has made it possible for Jessica to stay at Parkers side and again, Jessica's amazing example.
Alberta Children's Hospital
We stayed overnight in Calgary at the Ronald McDonald House which is where Jessica and her family have been staying for the past 6 weeks. Again, I was amazed at this facility. I have no idea what I had pictured in my mind but this was way nicer. There was a massive kitchen where each room has a space in a fridge and a little bit of cupboard space to keep their food, a big dining room with multiple tables, a patio with some BBQ's and picnic tables to eat on, a great playground inside and outside, 4 laundry rooms, a few TV rooms with big couches to lounge on and Jessica's room had 2 beds, cupboards and a decent bathroom. Again, it's not home but you can tell they really have tried to make it as comfortable as possible for these families. I love that people's donations have made these facilities possible and available for my family in their time of need so that their stay can be as comfortable and manageable as possible and so they have a place to take their families when they come to visit.
Ronald McDonald House
It was such a humbling visit and I felt in awe the entire time. In awe of these facilities, in awe of how happy Parker is despite of the wires and equipment that have become his life and in awe of Jessica and how she has handled all this with a smile on her face and how she has learned everything she has so that Parker gets the very best treatment! I left feeling extremely grateful that even though they are going through all this craziness right now, they are at least being taken care of the best that they can be.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to hear that Parker's so happy and I'm glad you got to see Jess, I know how much you were looking forward to seeing her. And seriously - mini golf!? Wow!
