Monday, July 11, 2011

Pamilya Ko (My Family)

How do you say goodbye to the people who have been such an instrumental part of who you have become? These last 5 years have been the most challenging, difficult, exciting, amazing, lonely, unlonely time in my life. We have been put through the refiners fire and made it out better somehow. Without our family to rely on we've had to make a new family pamily for ourselves, our Filipino Family.
I just want to say thank you to my Philippine family even though those words are hardly enough. Without you we would never have had such an amazing time in the Philippines or lasted as long as we have. It is because of you that we made it and enjoyed it! We are better people because of our experiences and your examples. I have learned humility as you have accepted our differences with love and without question. You have supported me and served me and at the same time allowed us into your homes and into your personal lives sharing with us your filipino foods, your trials, your successes and mostly love. I am proud to say this is my 'pamily':
My Pamily
Although this picture is just a few, as I board this plane on our journey home I just wanted to say I love you and we'll never forget you! Thank you for being our support group through our trials!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful people. I would also like to thank them for watching out for my kids when I could not. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
