Friday, June 25, 2010

What Goes Around..... Comes Around

I have been raised with the understanding that I was a perfect child. Incredibly cute, of course, but mild, easy going and obviously above average intelligence (okay, so I made that last one up). Apparently I made it through those first 33 months of life without getting into trouble once, I think that's quite the accomplishment. Well I've always heard mother's who say to their children "you were such a cholic baby, you wait.... what goes around comes around." I've always thought that's why I had such great kids, I really got little me's.
So are you wondering what happened when I was 33 months old that would cause my mom to finally get upset with me!? Well a great thing happened, my sister Kait was born, my one and only sibling. Of course I would be a bit jealous going from the light of my parents life to having to share it but what child wouldn't be (right!?). I never did anything horrible to her causing her physical pain or scream constantly from rage, I'm sure I loved her right from the start, I mean come on, I even went and visited her in the hospital when she was born! The love was there. Well, since I was pretty perfect and I could not hurt my sister I had to think of something else absolutely horrific to do (this is where that above average intelligence comes in).... and that's when my mom really got angry with me for the first time.
I went and crawled into my sisters crib when she was sleeping and I took off her pooppie diaper and I spread that poop all over. Oh ya, all over, with the exception (to my knowledge) of my sister because of course I loved her dearly even then and didn't want to smear her with poo.

Well mom guess what!? What goes around.... comes around:


  1. posted these photos (even though Maddy is so stinking -heh- adorable!

    Plus, Mom said you were trying to help you out by changing my diaper. No jealousy!

  2. HAHA! Loved this post...such a funny story and then the pictures at the end - so gross - but so great! Maddy, it!
