Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our First Garden

Ryan and I decided that we should try our hands at gardening since we're in a climate that can grow all year round. Luckily we have an empty lot right beside our house which is owned by the same family that owns our house. They gave us permission to plant and grow us some veggies. The ground was hard and covered with growth but we were told that they have used it to grow tomato's before and the soil is very good. We hired a guy to come clear and plough the land for us. Wow, did I ever feel so bad for that guy. It was so hot and sunny everyday he was out there and he stop every 5 minutes for a smoke break and to burn all the growth he cleared while the kids would watch his every move so curious about what exactly this guy was up to. He defiantly earned every peso he was paid!

Yesterday after dinner we went there as a family and started to sow our seeds putting the kids to work raking, planting and watering. Sydney couldn't be talked out of gardening in her princess shoes, Brayden was excited to go barefoot and Maddy just sat under the tree on a blanket watching the rest of us trying to eat my packets of seeds. So far we have planted yellow onions, red onions, lettuce, red radishes, broccoli and cucumbers. Tonight we'll get some potato's in the ground and we are thinking about trying to grow some peanuts. Our landlord mentioned they are really easy, low maintenance and they do really really well in this climate. Ryan also started some tomato's that we'll transfer once they are a decent size. When we woke up this morning the kids were so excited to go and water the garden and see if anything has started to grow yet. Hopefully they won't loose their interest before the radishes start to sprout!

1 comment:

  1. Those kids are so cute. Sitting on the side of the road in their PJs watching the man plow. It's almost like they're secreting.
    (It's Kaitlyn)
