Monday, March 3, 2014

We Have a Five Year Old In The House

CowgirlThis little girl turned 5 today! It gets a litter harder every time she reaches a new milestone. I can't really say that she's my baby anymore, she's the youngest and she's getting older. With each year older all these new doors open for us as a family and we can do so many different things that we wouldn't be able to do if we still had a baby, diaper bags and nap times to work around and it's so exciting to be reaching these new stages but at the same time sometimes it's hard. Thankfully to make up for the fact that we are loosing our baby we are gaining an amazing young girl. She is always willing to share her last of anything if it means it will make someone else happy. Madison loves to make others laugh and makes the best goofy faces to achieve that. She loves to learn and is very excited to be old enough to start kindergarten in the fall and she is always willing to give me a hug when I need one!
We had a pretty fun time celebrating Madison today with her friends. I rented the church building for the evening and had some of her friends and their families meet us there for a night of nerf gun wars and cupcakes! We all met in the gym, went over the rules and then let the kids go wild with their bullets and when they got tired or needed a break they could hang out in the gym and eat, drink and be merry.

I'm pretty sure that everyone that came had a great time no matter how old they were. My kids got a taste of good old church nerf wars a few weeks ago and so they were ready to go. It worked out great that so many of Maddys' friends have siblings Brayden and Sydneys' age so everyone had people to hunt with.
Game FaceLet's Go
Thanks for the party Madison! I hope that you'll enjoy everyday of being five! It's a pretty big number.

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