Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas!

When my sister and I were young younger we used to take turns putting the angel on the top of the Christmas Tree. It seemed that no matter what year it was we could not remember who it was who did it the previous year and it was always up for debate. It wasn't until I think I was married that we came up with a genius idea ... I did even years because I was born in an even year and my sister odd years because she was born on an odd year. Well, I've reached this stage with my own kids; whose turn is it and will it screw everything up if I let them take my turn at mom or dads? Well this year Sydney got to put the angel on top of Nana's tree and I hope we remember by the time next Christmas comes around!
The TreeThe Haul
I really hope that everyone has a fabulous Christmas spent with those that they care about and that you all get a little something under the tree, whether it's a pine tree or a palm tree.

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