Saturday, May 26, 2012

You Spin Right Round Baby Right Round

When I was younger my family took a trip to Disney World. Awesome, I know. It was fun. So fun that even though I was quite a bit younger then I am now I still remember a lot of the trip. I remember Space Mountain, having my dad chase us around the swimming pool, the awesome yellow Mickey Mouse rain poncho's we finally caved in and bought the last day and Indiana Jones at Universal Studio's exploding and feeling the warmth from the explosion on my cheeks. I would say if I asked my mom, dad, sister or myself we would all have the same most memorable moment at Disney World ... the tea cup ride. Oh I'm seriously laughing out loud right now as I'm typing the memory: We all go on the tea cup ride together. It's awesome. Kait and I love going around and around and around and my dad is having so much fun cranking that wheel in the middle to make us spin even faster to hear my sister and I squeal in delight. Yes, so fun. Getting dizzy like that and having the force pull us back into our seats so our hair is flying and we can't pull ourselves any closer to the middle. Nothing beats that. The ride ends and we get off the ride but only 3 out of the 4 of us had fun. Mom apparently didn't appreciate getting dizzy. Even her sunburn had turned white. I know sometimes I'm known to embellish to make a point but I swear it's the truth! Her red sunburned nose was white. So what does my dad do, hahaha, he whips out the video camera like any husband would do to his wife and video tapes the moment so we always have it to look back on. Classic. Anyway, onto my point; when do we loose that love of the spins? Remember the Gravitron ride at Whoop-Up Days or the PNE? I used to never get car sick, almost brag about that fact. Now I'm in my 30's and I'm a wuss. I get nauseous watching my kids spin in circles and I'm popping gravol when we tackle the highways in the Philippines because I know what's coming as Ryan is weaving in and out of traffic and taking hairpin turns at top speed. I was watching the kids at the park this week and for the first time felt sympathy towards my mother and I'd like to say sorry for all the times I've joked about her getting so sick from a little kids ride at Disney World. Little kids rides are for little kids for a reason, us big kids can't handle it anymore. So I hope my kids enjoy it while they can because it probably won't last.
Brayden SpinningMaddy

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