Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fairy Wings For Everyone

We seriously have the best kitty in the world as far as putting up with the kids. Maddy carries her around by two legs, by the bum, squishing her tummy and she just goes limp and puts up with it. I guess she really doesn't know any better and that's a good thing. To put up with the constant attention these kids have given her since the day we brought her home is impressive. I thought the novelty would wear off, but no, they still seem seek Sage out to give her some loving. The latest was Sydney wanting Sage to have a turn with the Fairy wings a few days ago. I have no idea how she got them on her but Sage wasn't too impressed. She walked around the house a little bit but when I called her name and asked her to pose for the camera she gave me this glare that just let me know exactly every deadly happy thought she was thinking towards my children.
Fairy CatGlare

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