Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All On His Own

We took the training wheels off Brayden's bike in February because one of the wheels broke off and we figured that at 5 1/2 years old he'd be ready to start riding with just the two wheels. Unfortunately because his training wheels were so uneven he had no idea how to balance, he kept leaning to the right side like he had to before the training wheels busted. He quickly got discouraged and the bike got put aside in the garage. We tried bribing him by telling him that he can't learn to ride a motorbike until he can ride on two wheels but nothing would get him back on the bike. When we went home to Canada finally seeing his cousins all riding on their two wheeled bikes gave Brayden the motivation to bring the bike out of the garage and back onto the street. In Brayden fashion he didn't want an audience and so just started trying on his own. If Ryan went out to help he would stop and shy away. Brayden decided to use our driveway as a ramp to give him the speed to get started and got used to balancing while speeding down the ramp. Once he was confident enough he would pedal a little bit. Well, I'm proud to say that after 4 days of being back home he has taught himself how to ride his bike and is, understandably, very very happy!


  1. Look at that guy go!!! That is fantastic. I dont know where he gets that independent streak.

  2. He learned how to all on his own?! WHAT?! I'm very impressed. That's awesome!!

  3. Yeh Brayden...you rock.
    Aunt Leslie
