Ryan has gone out a couple times to play airsoft with some of the guys from work and he really really enjoys it. I'm not too sure if it's spending that man time together or the fact that the airsoft guns here in the Philippines are so similar to a real gun (inch/inch and pound/pound) that it adds all this extra adrenaline to the game. Whatever it is, he has decided to own his own airsoft gun. He bought one from Arnel, a friend at work, and then bought a couple of accessories to jazz it up a bit. He HAD to have a silencer since there is a gun ban on right now with the trigger happy people out there and the Presidential Election coming up this year. Thankfully the silencer does the job and he can still go out and shoot
cats pests that destroy our garbage. Another something extra that he just had to have was a green laser pointer so he can see not only the destination of the bullet but the line of travel it will take to reach it's target. VERY exciting. The kids really love it too and have all taken turns shooting pop cans lined up along the fence and as much as I hate to admit it, Brayden has quite the shot!
July 2016 week1&2
7 years ago
its not a toy... its a tool! ;)