Friday, October 24, 2008

It's a Small World After All

Today at Brayden and Sydneys school they had the Filipino equivalent to Halloween; Pretend Day. This year the theme at school was It's a Small World After All and every class was a different continents. Sydney was Australia and so she was able to dress up like and Australian animal, and Brayden was African and was assigned to dress up as an African. Other places were Asia, North America and Europe. Each class set up a booth which included a stamp for their passport, a game and prize for their completion of the game.
I was a parent volunteer for the Gummi Class (Sydney) and helped out at the booth during their 2 hour class with a couple of the other parents from Syd's class. We had to be their early this morning which meant that after I was done icing the cupcakes Ryan made the night before and the cookies I had cooked at 6:30am I was on my way to set up while Ryan was in charge of getting the kids ready and out the door to school. Sydney ended up being a great white shark which was an easy costume we bought a local department store and Brayden... well I have to say that Ryan really did quite the job with Brayden! When I say quite the job I mean Brayden really looked the part! It was perfect and of course I wouldn't expect anything less from Ryan.
My little AfricanSydney the Great White Shark

The bonus to being a parent volunteer meant that I could follow the kids around a bit when there wasn't anyone at our booth and take some pictures of them playing their games! When the day was over they were able to accumulate quite the stash which defiantly makes up for the lack of trick or treating this year!!
Sydney getting her Prize of Cotton Candy, my favorite!Brayden with his candy stash


  1. You have no idea how frickin' hard I laughed at these pictures! Sydney's great at posing "Yea... I'm a shark, so what?" and Brayden holding the candy? What a sad, sad face for so much candy. Totally fitting the part. Tell Ryan I think he did an amazing job getting Brayden ready! Did Brayden think he looked cool at least?

  2. Very nice costumes. That's cool that they have something similar to Halloween over there.
