Sunday, October 19, 2008

MassKara Parade

Sydneys DressThis year we were in town for the big MassKara/Charter Day parade. Last year even though Focus had a float in the parade we were on our way home to Canada and missed the big event. This year we had to make up for it by all participating. We all got fancy MassKara Focus shirts which were black (thankfully it was cloudy so the sun didn't roast us in the dark shirts). Brayden loved his and Sydney needed some convincing about how "cool" they were so we made hers into a dress and put a belt around her waist (which is a VERY Asian look) but somewhere along the way the belt came off and she like her usual orphan self.

The float and shirt designs were made into a competition at Focus so both were designed by Focus employees which to my understanding were rewarded with some type of incentive. Ryan mentioned how many talented people were working at Focus and was really impressed with the different designs that the Focus gang was coming up with. This was the finished project for the float:
Focus FloatMore Float

Focus employees that owned motorcycles drove those along with the floats, including Ryan who took the kids with him. They seemed to be getting a lot of attention and people were somewhat attacking him on the bike so after Sydney started to fall asleep Ryan switched off the motorbike to someone else and walked with me while we pawned Sydney off to a friend on the float. The walk took almost 2 hours in total which was slow and uneventful until we got to the Plaza which is where most of the MassKara festivities (dance competions) took place. It was insanely busy and Ryan thought it would be fun to play a "Where's Meghan" version of the famous Waldo books so here you go... find Meghan (click on the picture to get a larger version):
Where's Meghan #1Where's Meghan #2

After the parade was finished everyone met back at Focus for some foods, relaxation and pictures. The families were invited to sit down, eat some pork BBQ, drink some Coca Cola and let their kids sit in an air conditioned room and watch some TV (which my kids were loving!).

One thing that I have promised to post are the drunk tanks I've previously mentioned in my blog. They are just big shipping crates from boats with holes cut out of them (Negros Navigation is the biggest shipping company in the Philippines). They had 2 of them set up at the Plaza this year and when you get a little too drunk and start making a scene the security will put you into one of these tanks to sober up. We've heard that if you drive by around 5am you will see hands poking out of the holes. The other thing we've heard about these tanks is that they are one big CR (Comfort Room = Bathroom)! Too gross. I just could not resist sharing this wonderful thing with all of you readers. The other picture is of the insanity of Masskara. This is one road that is filled with vendors selling cheap trinkets, clothes, chicken BBQ and blow up toys for kids (such as Power Rangers). It is so busy with so many people all squished together and you seriously can't move. It's 30*C+ outside increased by all the hot bodies you are mashed up against, you get so sweaty and disgusting, I just couldn't understand the fun in it! Ryan on the other hand loved the business of it all!
Drunk TankNight Insanity


  1. #1. Orphan Sydney - still a v. cute orphan.
    #2. I CAN'T FIND YOU!! Where are you??
    #3. Drunk "tanks"? Disgusting.
    #4. Cool night time photo.

    Love you.

  2. Are you wearing a black tshirt? Or pink?
