Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Life Is Now Complete

Smoky Bear HatsNo week long road trip would be complete without a pit stop at an army surplus store. It being my first time in such a wonderland I had no idea what to expect. They had everything you could ever imagine. Camping supplies, army supplies, interesting little trinkets and flags. We walked down every single aisle and the kids explored army tents, tanks, Arctic sleds and Smoky Bear Hats. They had dessert storm coloured boots, and anything camo you could dream off. I think my two craziest finds in the store were these; the gas masks. It wasn't so much the gas mask that was so bizarre but the face that they were child sized... because you know every child should have their very own gas mask. And the second thing made me think immediately of my sister because she just loves such treasures as this Santalicious hot plate. I was just completely shocked that it had already been discounted one time. Seriously people, who could pass this sexy stud up at first sight? I know he'd be an essential at my Christmas table. ***note the sarcastic tone in my typing*** So we passed on Santalicious, in fact we passed on everything in the store and left empty handed. There was however was thing that tempted us, a sleeping bag for two. How cute is that!?

Gas MasksSantalicious

1 comment:

  1. 1. Dessert storm coloured boots!? Did they taste like apple pie? :)
    2. IT WAS A HOT PLATE!? I thought they were napkins! Now I'm really sad you didn't get it for me. :( :( :(
    3. Big Sister Syd holding up Madison's hat so she can see. Cute.
