Sunday, May 1, 2011

When Dreams Come True

For those of you who know Ryan know that he loves his Mac toys. I think it's mostly because of the convenience that they offer him. They allow him to be reachable for work 24/7 no matter where he is so he doesn't feel that he needs to sit around staring at the computer all day/night long. The other reason is because they are awesome. There is no denying that there isn't much that an iPhone or iPad can't do and they always seem to get better and better. Ryan has wanted an iPad since they released the first one last year. Even though he really really wanted one he told me that he would hold out until the second model was released. His reasoning was logical: they make the basic, get reviews and fix the bugs and then come out with something fab the second go around. This is exactly what happened! The iPad2 is pretty much everything that he dreamed it could be and I knew that there was no talking him out of it after waiting for so long so ....
Welcome to the Family Mr. Big Stuff
Our iPad2
P.S. we LOVE you. I mean REALLY REALLY love you.

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