Monday, April 7, 2014

8 = Earring! Finally!

EarringsI can't even believe it. Our beautiful girl Sydney turned 8 years old today. Why is time going so fast, I need it to slow down so I can catch up.
For Sydneys birthday today she got earrings and the holes put in her ears to be able to wear them. I had done a little bit of research of where I should go to do this. I had wanted to have hoops in her ears so the backs of them wouldn't stab her and so they would be able to clean and care for. A friend of mine had mentioned doing this with her daughter and having it done at a tattoo/piercing parlour. I was a little nervous about doing that but after reading a few articles I decided that it would be the best decision. They don't use those plastic guns with a metal needle but a metal road that pushes right through the lobe and actually removes a little bit of skin. The bonus to that is that because the only piece that they use is metal they can sanitize it at a much higher temperature then they can the guns. Not only is that a great thing but if you've never been inside a tattoo parlour you would never have noticed how clean and sterile they are. Way cleaner then Claire's in the mall (no offense), plus I thought it would be so cool for the kids to see that type of environment, then they know.
We went in and were greeted by our piercer who immediately made Sydney feel like a princess as she took us all back to her working table. On the way back to her little room we passed two things Brayden noticed. The first was a guy getting a tattoo and how a needle is required to do that and how that needle needed to be put in the skin numerous times. He also saw a man working on a tattoo in the design stages. Hanging on his art table was a simple sketch, beside that one that had a lot more detail on it and then on the table being worked on was a final stage picture. Brayden commented on how you have to be a very talented artist to be able to do tattoos and I loved that he noticed that.
Once we were all standing in the piercers 'office' she explained everything to all of us and how she was going to get these holes in Sydney's ears and exactly what each piece of equipment did. Sydney picked out her hoops with great consideration (as she does with most things) and once she settled on the ones she wanted we were ready to go.
Sydney did so great! She was so tough and the earrings looked so pretty in her ears! She loves them.

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