I couldn't resist posting these pictures of Sydney and Sophie. Sophie is a 4 month old puppy that Sydney would not put down the whole week that we spent in Utah. She would carry her wherever Sydney went. Sydney even cried that first night when I told her that Sophie couldn't come to bed with her. Sydney even tried to give Sophie a bath in the fountain outside leaving little Sophie soaking wet and looking like a rat and when the little dog had enough and tried to run away... Sydney just ran after her until she caught up and wrapped Sophie back up into her loving arms. Even when poor Sophie Sydney had the flu she wouldn't let go of cute little Sophie. What a sport that little puppy was to put up with our Sydney... is there such a thing as being loved too much??
July 2016 week1&2
7 years ago
she is a cute puppy. We loved her to death in Waterton this summer. Connie was a good sport to even let us touch her!