Friday, July 27, 2007

Kuala Lumpur Days 3&4

The last two days in Kuala were really busy. We spent the majority of the time going from place to place on the monorail and window shopping. We saw huge malls with 10 floors and cluttered malls that were like mazes but no mall too big for me.
In the city there is a lake with a huge wheel called "The Eye on Malaysia." You can go around in it and see the city from the top. It was really nice and relaxing to sit down and take in the view.

We ended up getting tickets to go up to the skywalk on the Petronas Towers so off we went to downtown. There on the 41st floor is this huge skywalk that connects the two towers together. The walkway can sway a couple of inches on each side allowing it to withstand 180km winds! I guess once it blows stronger then that they evacuate the building. I'm thinking that if it's that windy, I'd be home long before that. It was really beautiful to up and see the city with the mountains in the background! So great.

We also headed to China town which again was amazing. Such great deals and I just love the buzzing, crowded, energy of a market. I don't know what it is but it just energizes me. We saw so many great purses, movies, watches, shirts, fruit. Just your typical China town but it was a gem.

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