We had a trip to Thailand planned over Christmas this year but Christmas day we were going to be more in transit then anything. We were arriving in Bangkok around midnight Christmas morning, spending the day in the big city and then boarding the night sleeper train around 6pm Christmas night. We really didn't want to rip the kids off of their Christmas so we kind of tricked them into thinking that Christmas was on Wednesday this year instead of that coming Saturday. It worked out perfectly. The kids had been so busy with Nana and Papa arriving and our quick beach trip that they quickly lost track of the days and one day they woke up and BAM it was Christmas Eve and we were eating our Chinese take out anticipating Santa's arrival by leaving him some cookies decorated earlier that day and some Super Lolo firecrackers (we heard Santa liked firecrackers as much as their dad).
We finished our day with my very first turkey! I did it and it was a success, or I thought so anyway. It tasted good and we had way more then enough which came in handy the next day for lunch before leaving to the airport. We had mashed potato's, yummy carrots, turkey, stuffing and gravy. Just the basics but it was really tasty and thankfully I had my mom there to help me out. The house got smoking hot with the oven on and the door wide open with excited kids running in and out that was letting in that 30*C air. The poor air conditioning really had to work overtime. We did take a few breaks over the afternoon to let off some of the big firecrackers that are in the video I previously shared so thankfully it wasn't just play time for the kids. It was a really nice fake Christmas day. The best part about it was that when Ryan and I went out on December 24th we were just chilling and watching everyone else in the malls scramble for all their last minute gifts. It was so wonderful to have dealt with all that already and just relax!
All kids need is people that love them and they are happy anywhere. Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you all. I love you