What's the perfect remedy to a bunch of people feeling a little cabin fever?
A few days out of town, that's what.
Since school has started last September we've pretty much hung out in Lethbridge. I did go to Calgary one day for an hour to shop at Ikea and we've done a day trip or two down to Waterton but that's about it for the kids and I. Ryan has gone to the Philippines a few times and Florida for a work/motorbike trip but I'd like to think that there was something missing from those trips that didn't make them as fun as they could have been (more specifically, me). We decided that we needed to get out of town for a few days so that our sanity would stay in tact and give us that extra boost of energy to get through the last bit of cold days until spring officially sprung and the warmer weather starts making an appearance. We decided that we would take our chances with weather and go out to Vancouver and visit my sister and her boyfriend since we haven't seen them since Christmas and weren't sure when the next opportunity would come to see them again.
So Wednesday after Ryan got home from work we all piled into the van and started the drive out west going through the States and visiting Seattle for the first time. We arrived in Seattle around 5:30am and got us some Krispy Kreme's right off the rollers, still hot and melt in your mouth delicious (and this from someone who doesn't like donuts). After filling our bellies with warm goodness, taking a potty break and splashing from fresh water on our faces we set out to explore what Seattle is like at the break of dawn. Well, Seattle at 6am is just like most places at 6am ... dead. We did hit Pike Place Market which was just starting to set up for the day so we got out and stretched our legs exploring a little.

There were a couple of people there setting up their stalls with beautiful fruit displays, colourful flowers and getting the ice ready for the fresh fish they anticipated selling that day. The visually appealing stalls reminded me a little of the stands set up on street corners in the Philippines with all the different types of fruits were perfectly stacked with an assortment of colours and options. The girls ran around enjoying the freedom from the van and letting out some pent up energy. I guess the bronzed pig is a famous spot at Pike Place Market so we had to check it out. I guess the only bummer of the pit stop was that because it was so early in the morning there wasn't anyone out buying fish so we didn't get to see the fish being thrown around and flying in the air but there is always next time, right!?

After our legs were sufficiently stretched we got back into the van and headed north to Canadian border and onward to Vancouver. With daylight upon us again we were able to enjoy the views filled with lush greens we have been missing in dry, brown Southern Alberta, creeks, mountains and mysterious fog. Blossoms were out on all the trees and it was so nice to see that although maybe spring hadn't hit Lethbridge yet, it was indeed on it's way. I loved it. The best part ... no rain, just sunshine!
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