Friday, July 1, 2011

Yay Canada Day

Fire CrackersThis is the 5th Canada Day that we've celebrated in the Philippines. 5th! I had to go back and really think before I put that statement into writing but it's true.
Seeing as Canada Day is no holiday here we've never really done too much other then reflect on our awesome nationality and the privileges that come with it. This year we decided we were going to light off some of our fire crackers as a celebration. After dinner we took a walk with a long string of fire crackers down one of the streets in our subdivision where no houses are. Once we found a nice section of newly laid sidewalk Ryan carefully laid out the string while the kids anxiously waited up the street a little bit with their ears plugged (they are obviously well accustomed to noise makers).

Ready to GoEars Are Ready
Once everyone was in position "BOOM"
Bang, Bang, Bang
My ears were ringing so badly because I was too busy trying to get a picture I didn't have any free hands to protect myself. Along with ringing ears our fire crackers left behind quite the mess. A mess AND a nice little banner we can hang on our wall wishing us a Happy Chinese New Year! Yippee. I love free stuff.
Our MessKung Hei Fat Choy

1 comment:

  1. I just got back from watching fireworks on the beach and I thought about you lighting your firecrackers! Happy Canada Day!
