Siquijor is a smaller island with a coastline of 102km so as we toured the island looking at all the different sites we drove that entire coastline and then some. It was such an amazing drive. We were in a jeepney so the breeze kept us cool and without windows we got this spectacular view. The water was this vibrant colour around the entire island laced with little white sand beaches, mangrove tree's and little towns with houses right off the ocean. I wondered for a moment if these people even realized how beautiful the view was right outside their door but I guess if it's something you've seen every day of your life you might not 'see' it. That's how a lot of things were for me in Canada. It wasn't until the last time we came home when I really saw that true beauty of the mountains, Waterton and the canola fields. One of the best parts was to watch these people in their every day lives, just enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon. Some were driving, caring for their livestock, and some were sitting on their porch with their families. One site we see on every island here in the Philippines are 1L glass Coke bottles with either a red or green liquid in it. It took Ryan to explain to me that they were filled with either gasoline or diesel fuel. Genius. So even if there is only 1 gas station on the island there is never fuel too far off ... and sold by the litre! Siquijor was no different. Every once in a while on the side of the road there would be a little stall set up selling fues for those that needed a quick fill.
July 2016 week1&2
7 years ago
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